Attune Collective is a group of people passionate about building positive productive workplaces and we each bring a different perspective which we aim to honor and demonstrate in this post. Starting with the writing prompt below we each took our own approach to responding and sharing our strengths with our network.
Writing Prompt: How have you seen High Quality Connections (HQC)at play in the workplace? What has been the impact of these connections in your experience?
I am struck by the feeling of HQC. They bring a sense of connection and reciprocity for me, mutuality. I also receive energy from the interaction with the person, I feel stronger and vital to the situation and relationship. These types of relationships are so powerful and I have experienced them on temporary teams and formal teams. And often in the most unexpected way, someone who I didn’t even think would be a match for me in the work turns out to be in sync. So much gets done in a short amount of time with HQCs there is time to connect and relate and time to work. The work flows easily and we aren’t straining for ideas or direction, it just unfolds.
What makes these HQC possible? What I have found for myself is that I first must place myself in an open mindset, one that presumes that there is a way to connect with the person who I am working with, I just have to find it.
From there it is a walk in the other’s shoes, what are they seeing? Why are they viewing it that way? I take their perspective and try to see what they see.
With this deep understanding and connection I’m able to share my perspective. What often happens next is not a negotiation for who is right but rather an alignment to the best path or interpretation of the situation.
Because of our connection quality we both just know that is the next best step. For those times where nothing emerges it is often the case that we come up with an option for a trial run or short term test for an idea.
Based on my lived experience of HQC I can see that this could easily be read as suggested steps for forming HQC but that is not at all what I’m suggesting, this is how it happens for me and I presume that your way of developing HQC will be unique to you.
My bottom line for HQC and most work for that matter is that if you don’t gain positive energy from it then don’t do it, find another way. HQC might not happen every time but know that the possibility of them happening is always at 100%.
How do HQC happen for you? What’s your experience?
“High quality connections are the glue on a team. I see and hear this over and over again with teams AND 1:1 coaching clients. These types of connections and relationships aren’t ones built on sarcasm or gossip, it’s quite the opposite. These are relationships built on mutual purpose and respect while learning deeply about other people. Clients come to me over and over again, ready to make a change in their career or jobs and the number one thing keeping them in a job they don’t like? They like the people. They are committed to their manager and their peers. People are the hardest thing for people to leave. Jobs can be done over and over again in different companies, but you can’t replicate a team that works well because that is unique.
These deep connections not only help teams weather the tough times (economic downturns, layoffs, reorganizations, difficult deadlines) they help teams have more moments of thriving when innovating, building, and most importantly operating on a daily basis. Members of a team begin to see the impact of this on their team and most importantly feel it everyday. Communication goes up, empathy increases, and collaboration will likely go through the roof!
Deep connections = game changing secret sauce in my opinion.
Here’s a short survey to to measure if you are achieving high quality connections within your team
Please rate each item on 1 to 5 scale. 5 – High, 1- Low
_____ Members of the team are empathetic toward each other
_____ Team members notice when others are in need
_____ When someone is in need, the team takes action to assist them
_____ The relationships in the team are a source of energy
_____ The atmosphere in the team is vibrant.
_____ Interactions in the team is lively
Score of 24 and above- Congratulations! You have high quality connections
Score of 18 – 24 – Continue to apply HQC tips provided in this blog to achieve higher quality connections within your team
Score below 18 – Diagnose what is working and what may not be working with your team; Further leverage your strengths within the team to overcome your shortcomings; Apply HQC tips provided in this blog consistently
To understand how to leverage your strengths and achieve high quality connections with your team for stronger team performance, reach us at